Manage properties

Edit properties


Update information about a property to correct errors or reflect changes to your portfolio.

Edit properties only if you want to change specific attribute values for an existing property. For other operations, use the tools for adding or disposing properties.

To prevent locking other users out of editing data, complete edits within 48 hours of beginning them. After 48 hours, you will not be able to submit your edits and will need to start over. 

Only one person at a time can edit a property. If the edit button is gray, another user is editing the property.

Edit a single property (Video)

  1. In My Properties, hover over the cell you want to edit, and click the edit pencil, populate your changes and save.
    • For large sets of data, you can use a filter to find a property more quickly. OR
  2. In My Properties, select the checkbox next to the Property you wish to edit
  3. Click on Item Selected and Choose Edit

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  4. Use Flyout to Edit Required and Additional Attributes
  5. Click Update Property and Return to Portfolio

Edit multiple properties

In My Properties, select the checkbox next to the Property you wish to edit

In My Properties, select the checkbox next to the Property you wish to edit

  1. In My Properties, select the checkbox next to the Property you wish to edit
  2. Click on Item Selected and Choose Edit
  3. Use Flyout to Edit Required and Additional Attributes
  4. Click Update and go to next Property to edit the next selected PropertyReturn to Portfolio

Bulk Edit multiple properties in Excel

Choose the properties and attributes you want to edit

  1. In My Properties, click ... > Edit > Edit Properties with Excel File
  2. Under Select properties, click None selected.
  3. Search or filter to find the properties you want to edit: • To search, type a query in the Search Properties box. • To filter, click Show only properties matching... to create and run a filter.
  4. Choose the properties you want to edit.
  5. Click the back arrow at the top of the panel.
  6. Under Select attributes, click None selected.
  7. Choose the attributes you want to edit values for. You can select a parent attribute to select all of its child attributes.
  8. Click the back arrow at the top of the panel.
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Edit the data

  1. Click Start Editing.
  2. An Excel spreadsheet will automatically download. Open it to see the existing data you've selected to edit for the property.
  3. Update any white cells in the spreadsheet to edit attribute values for the properties you selected. You can only edit white cells, as these correspond to the attributes you selected for editing. Some cells include dropdown lists for the COPE and secondary COPE attributes. You can also see the available options on the second page of the spreadsheet.

Upload your edits

  1. When you are done editing data, save the spreadsheet and navigate back to Archipelago. If you closed the Edit flyout, click ... > Edit > Edit Properties with Excel File again.
  2. Upload the spreadsheet you edited using the light gray box in the middle of the panel. You can drag the file into the box or click the box to browse to the file location.
  3. After you upload the spreadsheet, click Submit edits at the bottom. Archipelago will validate your data and send you an email with the results and any values you might need to correct.

When Archipelago validates your data, the platform will apply your changes. This can take up to 20 minutes.

Then, you can view updated information about the property you added using the grid, tile, or map views.