

Pre-Check reviews your SOV and gives prioritized recommendations on missing data to provide, that will impact modeling.

Focus areas and impact to your book of business - Precheck provides you insights on missing data within your SOV. See where you properties are missing COPE, secondary modifiers related to hazard exposure and have valuation outliers. These cards also act as filters for the recommendations list.

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Recommendations to improve your submission - Pre-Check generates a prioritized list of recommendations to improve specific attributres for the most impactful high TIV or CAT exposed properties, which allows for improved and accurate modeling. Each property indicated why it was recommended, and where to find the recommended data. For example, a Flood Hazard Report or Loss Engineering Report.

You can directly action these tasks, assign them to yourself, or to others.

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Filter recommendations:

Using Filters:

  1. Click Show Filters at the top of the list of recommendations.
  2. You can filter by Assignee, Document Recommendation, and the Reason for the recommendation.

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Using Property Insights:

At the top of Precheck, click on any of the insights into missing data, and a filter will automatically apply for the reason for the reccomendation.

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Action Recommendations

Assign to yourself:

  1. Click on one of the recommended properties.
  2. A property fly-out window will open.
  3. Click Assign to Myself.
  4. Upload the recommended document and Archipelago will extract the revelant missing fields.
  5. Optionally, enter the missing data if known.
  6. Click Save.

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Assign to others:

  1. From the Assign drop down box, choose the person this recommendation will be assigned to. That user can then access their tasks and upload the recommended documents.