Submission Process


Once your SOV data is on Archipelago, you can streamline submission by giving the market access to your SOV.

To prepare for submission:

  1. Finalize your SOV updates prior to submission
  2. Upload any marketing materials for underwriters (i.e. policy documents, loss runs, etc.) to the library
    1. Recommended naming convention: 2024-Submission -XXXXX-XX-XX
    2. Check "market visible" and deselect any previous snapshots you don't want visible for underwriters

Reach out to Support on Archipelago with the following:

  • If you want to hide blank columns from the submission
  • The list of documents that were uploaded as marketing material, to make these available for underwriters

Share the SOV View Link with Underwriters:

  1. Open the SOV view you will be sharing (not My Properties), copy the URL and share directly with underwriters
  2. Underwriter domains are automatically whitelisted, so they can view (not edit)
    1. If the domain isn't whitelisted, or the underwriter has any issues accessing, they can request access through Archipelago support
  3. You can see "reviewers" who have accessed your SOV via the Users Page